
Shop » KOR NAVA » KOR Nava Smokey Gray 650mL
KOR Nava Smokey Gray 650mL
PHP 1300.0 - Smokey Gray - available

Nava’s filter is primarily designed to make tap water taste and smell great. It does this by reducing the amount of chlorine in the water. It has been tested by an independent lab to meet or exceed the NSFStandard 42, Class II for chlorine removal . The activated carbon in Nava’s filter also traps volatile organic compounds (VOCs) such as benzine, but the filter has not been tested or certified for this capability. It is also important to note that Nava is designed for use with potable water only. It does not remove Giardia or other harmful microbes.

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PHP 1300.0 PHP 1300.0 PHP 1300.0 PHP 1300.0 PHP 1300.0